
Exclusive detailed notes and model answers

Mr Eric Goh provides exclusive detailed revision notes, Geography exam papers with model answers and Geography case studies that not only help his students understand the content knowledge better, but also serve as effective revision guides when the exam draws near. This is not available in the market. Closer to prelims and exams, he also provides mock exams at his centre and mark his students scripts to gauge their performances. This allows him to spot his students’ key weaknesses and strengthen the understanding of their core concepts before the exams.

Small class size

A small class size which allows for optimal classroom interaction and discussion for the development of ideas and viewpoints without compromising on the attention each student receives from the teachers.

Use of Technology

Interactive SMART boards are used during lessons. It is more efficient as annotations can be done directly on the diagrams. The tutor is drawing directly on the board instead of a laptop and learning becomes more personal and interactive. Videos are also used to show and explain complicated Geography concepts to enhance the students’ leaning through visual illustrations.

Provision of Mock Exams

Prior to exams, we provide a conduction environment for students to simulate actual exam scenarios to determine students’ performance. We will mark the papers and go through the papers after the mock exams to identify on individual students’ weakness and allow us to further reinforce their understanding of the core concepts which they are weak in. In addition, we have regular timed practice in regular lessons which enable students to develop a strong writing ability for essay writing and Data Response Questions (DRQ).